At the University of Ferrara in cooperation with the University of Trento a Ph.D Day on worker takeovers, circular economy, and digitalization
The recent economic and financial crisis, along with climate change and the pandemic, have drastically altered the socio-economic context, requiring proactive responses from various organizational types and economic actors. Cooperative enterprises face the crisis in a context of increased competition and stricter regulation. The new context calls for new analyses and new tools that go beyond what has traditionally been used in the study of non-conventional enterprises. Among the main challenges on the table are the preservation of jobs in struggling businesses in many activities that are under pressure, the need to employ new production processes to address climate change, and the use of new technologies among which digitization plays a central role in the transition to a green economy. Cooperatives have demonstrated flexibility and resilience of their organizational model during the crisis through the involvement of diverse stakeholders and proactive adaptation to new conditions. However, challenges still loom, and proactive measures and appropriate organizational responses are needed. Moreover, the evolution of the organizational model itself (its governance and management) cannot be left out of the picture. Young researchers and doctoral students studying cooperative enterprises are at the forefront of this difficult scientific and policy task. This workshop aims to involve them first in a new scientific endeavor.
Keynote Speakers
Massimiliano Mazzanti (University of Ferrara)
Andreas Exner (Universität Graz)
Ermanno Tortia (University of Trento)
Andrea Cori (Legacoop Area Studi)
Chiara Bertelli (Legacoop Estense Ferrara)
Riccardo Maiolini (John Cabot University)
The conference will take place on June 23, 2022 at the Aula Magna of the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Ferrara (Via Voltapaletto, 11 – Ferrara) from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM and can be followed online at this link.
[NOW CLOSED] A 400-word abstract of the presentation is required and can be sent via this google form: by May 25th.